Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Open Edge Installation Procedures

OpenEdge 10.1 C Installation and startup procedure:

1. OpenEdge 10.1 C Installation Prerequisites:

a. Apache Server ( At the end of file included à Include "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/conf/jk/mod_jk.conf").

b. Tomcat.

c. Install JK Connecter module (It Acts as a Bridge between Tomcat and Apache. ).

2. OpenEdge10.1C Installation Procedure

a. Before downloading the Progress OpenEdge 10.1C Evaluation copy get License key. Click here to get the License Key. After registration, mail will be received with serial numbers with control code as a License. Mail will contain the following contents.



Serial Number

Control Code

OpenEdge Architect




OpenEdge Application Server







OpenEdge Enterprise RDBMS




OpenEdge Replication







OpenEdge Management







Sonic Workbench




b. Procedures for downloading Progress software

1. Download the Progress OpenEdge 10.1C Evaluation for Windows from a progress site after giving the Login and password. Scroll down to where it says OpenEdge 10.1C Win32 Intel and then click on FTP download and download the

2. Extract

c. From oe101c_nt folder, click setup.exe.

d. Select complete installation option to install all the stuff belonging to OpenEdge.

e. Insert serial number with the control numbers as a License key in an appropriate column. Below figure will represent how to insert the License keys.

f. Once you have entered information for OpenEdge Architect, OpenEdge Application Server, OpenEdge Enterprise RDBMS, OpenEdge Replication products, click Next to continue the installation.

3. After OpenEdge Installation we need to start our progress server.

a. Create a Progress server.

i. Make sure the AdminService for OpenEdge is running on the system.

Procedure for Running AdminService for OpenEdge:

· From Windows start -> control panel.

· Click Administrative tools.

· Click Services to view the running services in the machine.

· Check the status of AdminService for OpenEdge 10.1C.

· If not started start the AdminService for OpenEdge 10.1C service

ii. From Windows start -> OpenEdge-> Progress Explorer Tool

iii. Create new Progress server by clicking the Add Progress Server.

iv. Create a server with username as our wish, password and port number as the default one.

v. After Creating the Progress server, we need to set the Database server, AppServer, WebSpeed, Web service Adapter and Name server

Database Server connection procedure:

1. Connect Database Server

Before connecting Database server, we need to create a Database.

Procedure for Creating Database

i. From Windows start -> OpenEdge-> Desktop

ii. Choose the first icon with the Book to connect to the Database.

iii. In the Dictionary Startup dialog box, select the option to create a new database, and then choose OK.

iv. Type Sports2000. By default, OpenEdge creates a database named Sports2000 in our working directory i.e. C:\OpenEdge\WRK. If you’d like the database to be somewhere else, you can choose the Files button next to the New Physical Database Name fill-in field to browse the directory structure for the right location for your database.

v. After you’ve entered your new database name, select the Start with A Copy of Some Other Database option, and then choose the Files button next to the fill-in field:

vi. Choose OK to accept this pathname i.e. C:\Progress\OpenEdge\Sports2000.db the Connect Database dialog box appears as below.

vii. After creating the Database we need to connect to the created database, while connecting we need to give the physical name as the database name with .db extension or we can browse the db from the particular folder. And also we need to set multiple users as enabled before starting the database.

viii. After the database gets started we need to create tables from the database dictionary.

ix. Procedures for creating the table:

1. Click Create Table from the Data Dictionary

2. After entering the table name in the particular column, click Ok to create a new table.

3. Enter Field Name, after entering the field name select the data type from the given list.

4. Click Ok to create field or click create to create another field name

x. For inserting the records to the table, we need to use Procedure Editor and from there we need to use SQL query to

xi. Insert the records and also for any SQL statements from the Procedure editor.

xii. Use Insert Table Name as SQL statement, after that Press F2 to run the statement.

xiii. From the Procedure Editor – Run Screen, Insert values for the table.

Procedure for Creating Database server

i. Choose Progress Explorer from the OpenEdge folder in your Windows Start menu.

ii. Select the name of the machine where you created your working copy of the Sports2000 database.

iii. Choose Action→ Connect from the main menu of Progress Explorer.

iv. Expand the tree view of the connected server machine.

v. Select the node labeled Databases in the tree view.

vi. Choose Action→ New.

vii. Enter sports2000 and choose OK.

viii. After creating database Object, we need to give the path of the database where the database has created. Example C:\OpenEdge\WRK\Sports2000.db

ix. Expand the Created database with sports2000.

x. Expand Configurations node, and then expand default configuration. Go with default properties in default configuration.

xi. Expand defaultConfiguration then from there set properties for default server group.

xii. In the defaultServerGroup we need to change the default Maximum dynamic port number and Minimum dynamic port number.

Note: In addition to configuring defaultServerGroup in Progress Explorer, you will need to create the service name and port number in your operating system. On Windows, you can edit the services file, which is usually located at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\. Be sure to specify a service name and port number that is unique.

xiii. Once the above configurations over then Select sports2000 from the tree view and choose Action→ Start from the main menu.

2. Procedure for Connecting Name server.

a. Select and expand the node labeled NameServer in the tree view.

b. Select NS1 and choose Action→ Properties

c. Need to set the WorkPath Environment Variable as the work location directory.

3. Changes needed in messengers

a. Select and expand the node labeled Messengers in the tree view.

b. Select CGIIP and choose Action→ Properties

c. Enable Session connection ID in Advanced Features so that session values are getting started.

4. Connect AppServer

a. Select and expand the node labeled AppServer in the tree view.

b. Select asbroker1 and choose Action→ Properties

c. Set the operating mode as State-free in the Broker.

d. Expand the tree view under agent and select General. Set the Agent Startup parameters as follows :

i. -db C:\OpenEdge\WRK\dbname (Path of the Database).

e. Select asbroker1 and choose Action→ Start.

5. Connect WebSpeed

a. Select and expand the node labeled WebSpeed in the tree view.

b. Select wsbroker1 and choose Action→ Properties.

c. Set the operating mode as Stateless in the Broker.

d. Expand the tree view under agent and select General. Set the Agent Startup parameters as follows :

i. -db C:\OpenEdge\WRK\dbname (Path of the Database).

e. Select wsbroker1 and choose Action→ Start.

b. Configurations in Progress Server:

i. WSBROKER1 Properties:

1. Operating Mode: Stateless

2. Agent Executable Mode: "@{Startup\DLC}\bin\_progres.exe"

3. Agent Startup Parameters: -p web\objects\web-disp.p -weblogerror -db C:\OpenEdge\WRK\sports2000 -db C:\OpenEdge\WRK\newdb

4. Propath: @{WinChar Startup\PROPATH};@{WorkPath}

ii. AS Broker Properties:

1. Server executable files: "@{Startup\DLC}\bin\_proapsv.exe"

2. Server Startup Parameters: -p web\objects\web-disp.p -weblogerror -db C:\OpenEdge\WRK\sports2000

3. Propath: @{WinChar Startup\PROPATH};@{WorkPath}

iii. NS Properties:

1. WorkPath : C:\OpenEdge\WRK\

iv. DB Properties :

1. ServiceName: Provide Service name or Port number.

v. Messengers:

1. Advance Features: Enable Session Connection ID

vi. Web services Adapter:

1. URL:

a. We need to set the TOMCAT URL in file.

2. WSDL:

a. Check Enable WSDL Retrieval option.

b. Check Enable WSDL Listing Retrieval option.

3. Security:

a. Check Enable WSA Administration option.

b. Check Enable web services option.

Procedure for executing ABL Procedure:

1. From Windows start -> OpenEdge-> ProEnv

2. From ProEnv, type the following command to start the Procedure Editor.

a. prowin32 -proxyhost -proxyport 80

3. Form the Procedure editor, run the ABL procedure.

Writing our first procedure

First Progress procedure will be a real snowplow exercise, something very simple just to get us started with the language. But before entering to first procedure, we need to make an adjustment in the code - our first change!

There are a fair number of fields in the Customer table, so the resulting formatting of all the fields in a limited display area would be a mess. In fact, one of the fields, the Comments field, is so large that the Progress run-time engine (also known as the interpreter) will balk at displaying it without some guidance from you on how to format and position it.

So it’s better to select just a few of the fields from the table to display, which is more manageable. Select the CustNum field, which is the unique customer number, the Name field, which is the customer name, and the City field, which is part of the customer’s address.

In the Progress 4GL, a list of fields is separated by spaces, so the new procedure becomes:

FOR EACH Customer:

DISPLAY CustNum Name City.


To enter this procedure in the Procedure Editor:

i) From Windows start -> OpenEdge-> Desktop

ii) Choose the first icon with the Book to connect to the Data Dictionary.

iii) From the Tools options in the menu bar, select Procedure Editor.

iv) Once the Procedure Editor window comes up, type our block of code as shown above.

v) To execute our procedure, press the F2 key on your keyboard. This is the keyboard shortcut for the RUN command. Alternatively, we can select Compile→ Run from the Editor menu.

vi) To see the next pages of Customer numbers, names and cities, press the SPACE BAR a few times. Press ESCAPE to terminate the display. Otherwise, the display terminates after the last page of Customers has been displayed.

vii) To save our procedure in the Procedure Editor, select File→ Save As. Call the procedure firstSample.p and save the file to your working directory, or some other directory we have created.

Create a WebSpeed Application:

We need to run and test the Web objects that we create with WebSpeed; we must specify which WebSpeed broker we want the AppBuilder to use.

AppBuilder preferences for WebSpeed:

I. From Windows start -> OpenEdge-> Desktop

II. Choose the first icon with the Book to connect to the Data Dictionary.

III. From the Tools options in the menu bar, select AppBuilder.

IV. From the AppBuilder main window, choose Options à Preferences.

V. Select the General tab to view the available options.

VI. It is important, however, that we understand how the Qualify Database Fields with Database Name setting works, as it might be enabled by default. If this setting is enabled, WebSpeed prepends references to database fields with the database name when generating SpeedScript code. For example, the Customer.Name field would appear in all WebSpeed-generated SpeedScript code as sports2000.Customer.Name. We can disable this setting to prevent WebSpeed from prepending references to database fields with the database name. Unless we may use multiple databases, if we disable this setting. Choose the Save Settings button to save any changes as we made.

VII. Select the WebSpeed tab.

VIII. Specify the pathname of the browser that you intend to use during development. For example, C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe are typical pathnames for Internet Explorer respectively

IX. Specify the URL for a WebSpeed broker. The URL actually specifies the location of the WebSpeed Messenger that connects to the WebSpeed broker. The WebSpeed Messenger resides in the scripts directory of our WebServer.

X. Example: http://localhost/cgi-bin/cgiip.exe/WService=wsbroker1

XI. Activate the Open new browser window toggle box if you want each Web object to run in a new browser window.

XII. Choose the Test button to test the connection to the WebSpeed broker.

XIII. Choose the Save Settings button to save the Web Setup preferences for future AppBuilder sessions.

XIV. Choose OK to close the Preferences dialog box and return to the AppBuilder main window.

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